Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Best friends story time

We go to our public library for story time every now and then.  This year the theme was home town hero story time.  Every week they bring a hero from the town like a Construction worker, life guard, nurse etc and the story is based on them and what they do.  I thought it was really interesting and a great way to teach kids about the good work they do for our town. 

Last time when we went the home town hero of that week was the construction worker and George happened to meet his best friend at the story time.  It is always more fun when you have your friend to sit with you.  They both had a wonderful time together.  George is never active when he is alone at the story time but having his friend there made both of them so interactive and loud.  They would answer all the questions and raise their hands to ask questions.  I have never seen George being so brave at a story time haha.   

They brought a dump truck outside so the kids got to sit in it and see how it works.
That smile always melts my heart

Look at them how sweet and innocent they are

George always have to take a picture with the funny face :)

Music time at the Library

Anna trying out the super hero costumes


I can watch this little girl for hours


George and his friend doing puppet show at the library

That same day we invited his friend over to watch a movie together with George.   I just love watching kids learn and explore things.  The interaction with their friends and how they learn to talk and use certain gestures to make the other person understand what they are trying to communicate.  It is beautiful to see how they try to tackle fights and arguments, forgiving and saying sorry and fighting their own temptations to do the right thing.  I get very proud when they make the right decision but also very angry and embarrassed when they don’t.  I don't always show my anger and embarrassment now that I have learned to control my emotions much better than before. You can imagine how bad I used to be before lol yea...it was pretty bad but we always have room to learn.  In fact, we are forever learning something new.

Spending time with these little ones really help me to learn how to become more patient and kind.  It also helps me understand where I need to make changes to become a better role model for my children.  Motherhood is so cool because you can make mistakes but you will always get the chance to correct it because kids tend to do the same things again and again.  

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