Wednesday, October 8, 2014

St. Therese's Feast Day Celebration

On October 1st we celebrated the feast day of St. Therese of the Child Jesus.  That morning I had to take George to his Art class.  My friend also brought her son to the class. In fact  registered our kids together. Anyways, we were just sharing with each other how we want to celebrate the feast day of St. Therese but realized that I only have the cake mix and she has the frosting to decorate the cake.  We both thought it would be great idea if we could meet at mine or her house to celebrate it together so that we don’t need to go shopping for the cake mix or the frosting.   We both were not sure whether we will be able to do it or not but we went back to our homes.
Taking turns decorating the cupcakes

These two are waiting for their turns :)

That's the best rose we could come up with

Isn't it beautiful?

However towards noon my friend and kids came with the frosting and we were able to bake the cake and decorate it like a Rose remembering St. Therese’s promise of the Shower of Roses from heaven.  It was so beautiful and the children had a great time decorating and eating the cup cakes.  Isn't it wonderful to celebrate the saints feast days??  I really get the feeling of being in communion with Saints when I celebrate their feast days.  I get to read about them, and remember the good deeds they did and specially pray to them and ask for their intercession.   Every time I put in the effort to celebrate any feast days I can see how the Lord brings things together and make it a beautiful celebration just like how He brought the frosting and brought my friend and children to make it even better. 

Trying to get a pic of all three of them

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My friend Rosie was also celebrating her birthday on the feast day.  So along with the cup cakes I also made a cake with the rest of the batter.  I have to say she is such a special person and a very dear friend to me.  Since she lives just few blocks away from our house it is always fun to meet together and see our children play together and growing in friendship.  We actually met at a park and it is the name of her son that brought us together.  His name was a catholic Saint’s name and I immediately asked his dad whether they were catholic and they were.  Since then we have been good friends and we share our faith and love together.  Our faith is what brought us so close together. 

The cake was so hot the frosting melted

She is such a great mom who is really working hard to bring up her children in faith.  Taking care of her twins and the oldest one who is only 3 years old is a hard job but she still does it with such joy and love.  I have seen her go through the hardship of raising the twins when the oldest boy was only 11/2 years old.  But she did it and now they are almost 2 years old.   She is also homeschooling her children.  I am so blessed to have her in my life.  

lol My anna's expressions


They are always on the move

I don't know how she does it

Getting them ready to walk back to her house

My Rosie

Dear St. Thérèse, 
thou wert always good and obedient 
and always did the Will of God. 
Now thou art a great saint in heaven with God.
Thy loving and tender heart rejoices 
to send down roses upon earth. 
O give me the sweet flower of a great love of Jesus!
Pray for me that I may have all the graces I need. 

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