Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Birthday Boy is 4 years old

On October 15th we celebrated our George's birthday.  This year I asked George what kind of cake would he like for his birthday and for some reason he said rainbow birthday cake.  I was surprised.  I was expecting him to say Mcqueen or Thomas.  I thought he would forget about it after few weeks.  I asked him again two weeks later and he still said Rainbow Cake.    Later I found out that he saw an episode in Cat in the Hat about the King who went after a rainbow and that is where this whole rainbow idea started...haha

I had to make this little 4 year old's wish come true.  I searched online and found the cake with a rainbow on it.  I was not planning on adding any decorations but I just had this urge to make some small simple decorations myself and added a rainbow and some clouds to our ceiling.  For a little 4 year old this was so very special.  Also he is experiencing this for the first time since we had never done any birthday specialties before.

Look at those expressions!!!

I had to add some color

The pic of him when he was only 4 months old

Loved that thrill and excitement on his face after waiting the whole day to see his rainbow cake

My heart was just filled with joy just seeing the brightness on his little face.  The many thank you's he kept saying through out the day for the decorations, the cake, the gift.  What a precious little boy you are my George!!  The Lord has shown his mercy upon me to bless me with a gift as wonderful and precious as you.  I can never forget the day you came into my life.  Just receiving you into my arms after the long 18 hours of labor felt like eternity.  My heart was overflowing with joy and I should say it has not stopped yet.  Everyday the new love that you bring into my life is just countless.  Your questions and your curiosity, your affection and love, your sensitiveness and your understanding amazes me.  You have a special grace that God has given you my George to bring so much happiness into everyone around you.

I am such a blessed mother that I get to stay home with you and Anna and see your beautiful faces everyday from the time you wake up in bed till you go to sleep.  I enjoy every minute I spent with you and I would not give that up at any cost.  I hope that the Lord will be merciful enough to continue giving me this opportunity to stay home with you.

I am so excited that I made the decision to home school you.  I think it is the best decision I have made, and I know it is a good decision when I see your joy in learning and spending time with me.  I cherish teaching you and seeing the excitement in your eyes each time you learn something new.  I love to teach you George and I hope I will be able to continue teaching you and Anna in the coming years.  I know that the Lord has great plans for you.   I pray everyday that the Lord will give me the grace to raise you up to become a Saint.

George,  thank you for being such a great son and teaching me so many different aspects of life through your little ways.  I hope one day when you grow up you will read this and know that you were a big inspiration for me even though you were so little.  I also hope that you will inspire everyone you meet throughout your life.

I love you my Georgu..and may Jesus protect you and Mother Mary cover you with her mantle and fill you with their love.  I love you.

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