Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thank God for Motherhood

Today my younger brother asked me why is it that those who blog(especially moms) always write the good things and make everything look like motherhood is amazing??  I couldn't stop laughing when I heard that because I asked the same question and still ask when I read other moms blogs.  I told him I would rather  remember all the great and beautiful moments I had with my children than looking at the negatives of life and be sad.  I don't think any mother would say that motherhood is easy and fun.  It is NOT.  It is a lot of hard work and fully dying of yourself to give joy and love to all these little people God has blessed us with in our lives.  

this pic shows the reality of lit Anna's life lol

I once read that entering marriage means entering motherhood.  We are open to life from the moment we receive the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony.  This new life which comes forth as a result of our marital union is a gift from God and God gives us the grace to endure the hardships we have to go through in raising up these tiny little human beings.  Our job as a mother is to resemble Jesus who gave up His life so that we may have eternal life.  As a mother we are also following our Lord's way in giving ourselves up, starting from the 18 -20 hours of labor pain in bringing forth a child, sacrificing our sleep, our time alone, our hang out time with friends, reading a book, computer time,  watching a movie, taking a 5 minute shower rather than a relaxing 15 minute shower, delaying our bathroom breaks, skipping meals or eating in 2 minutes, controlling our anger and frustrations, and being able to just give, give, GIVE everything that we have to them so that they may see a glimpse of God's Love, so that they will learn to love others and appreciate others. 

My Younger brother 
So let us thank our good Lord for this call to Motherhood.  Aren't we blessed???  God has entrusted the most beautiful of His creation in our hands.  It is no small job.  I would say it is the best honorable position I can ever receive in my life.  I better enjoy it rather than being wimpy and complaining about it. Let us ask our dear Mother Mary to give us the grace to embrace this beautiful gift of Motherhood and love our children with all our hearts and minds.  As we celebrate Pentecost in two days let us also ask the intercession of the Holy Spirit and pray for the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.  As mothers we all know that we really need them. right??  :))

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