Little Saints Catholic Preschool Program is a preschool
curriculum I bought two years ago for George when he was only 3 years old.
I came to know about this program through one of the blogs I read and I
loved the ideas she shared about this curriculum. It was put together by
a catholic mom with the help of few friends and she has done a terrific job
bringing all aspects together which are very necessary for a preschooler.
It was not very expensive either.
This program is with classical disciplines and explores 40
themes geared to the interests of preschoolers.
At the beginning of each theme is a list of outstanding children’s
picture books, many of them classic, which are related to each subject. These books provide the foundation upon which
each lesson builds. It also incorporates
poetry, nursery rhymes, traditional finger plays, music appreciation, art and learning
games which utilize all five senses and develop cognitive skills.
We do this format in such a way that we begin with the
word of god, song, story time. The story
time takes a pretty good amount of time since sometimes they would want to read
the same book again and again. The best
part about homeschooling is that we can be flexible and work according to the
kids readiness.
The learning game for the lesson At the Supermarket. They are really playing how they will shop at the market. |
Making 3D Vegetable by stuffing tissues inside a carrot made of paper |
Once the story time is over we go into doing the learning
game which could be time consuming depending on what kind of game it is. Sometimes it could be an obstacle course
which takes a good amount of time and energy or otherwise it could be matching
pictures or a puzzle. Depending on the
time it takes we do the art project after we take a break.
The books we read for each lesson is already suggested in
the lesson plan. Most of these books I
have been able to find in the library.
Even though the book recommends you to buy them I personally don’t have
the money to go buy these expensive books and since I find most of them in my
local library it works out perfectly for us.
This was the art project for the Lesson Pets and Pals |
Learning game from the lesson Pets and Pals |
This program definitely puts a lot of work on the mom. As you can see in the picture I had to cut out all those fishes and attach the paper clips. Make the pipe cleaner and stick a magnet to it. I always prepare the night before
but there are times when I have even prepared things that morning. It can take some time and you
need to have the items in hand ahead of time so that way you don’t have to run
to the store each time. The directions for each game and art work is given to us. The extra materials can be used with as many kids as you want since we are taking copies of each activity. So once you buy this curriculum you can use it with all your children.
This was so much fun. They enjoying fishing with their magnet rods |
The other thing I like about this program is that several
bible stories and feast day celebrations, Christian symbolism and character
building opportunities are woven throughout the program year. Little saints is intended to supplement
formal religious education through concrete experiences.
The music appreciation part of the program is something very
beautiful and attractive to the kids.
You would never imagine these well known classical pieces like Mozart
and Beethoven would be liked by a 3 or 4 year old. I was so surprised to find out how much
children pay attention to the music and how this music can really quiet them
down and help them focus on the project they are working on. Not only do I play these music while they are
doing the art project but I use it anytime when they are doing any kind of
silent work in their school room. I
would have never expected George to be even paying attention to the classical songs
but he loves it and he enjoys it. This
really brings the creativity in them and also helps them to start appreciating
music from a very young age.
Art Project for the Lesson Children around the World |
Making a homemade Pinata. Learning about the continent South America |
We used light sabers to break the pinata..haha as you can tell children enjoy this stuff and they have so many opportunities to learn about continents and the World in such a creative way |
Eating the goodies I put inside the pinata |
This program divides the lesson plan for each month. We don't have to follow it and we don't have to do all 40 lessons. We can pick and choose the ones that are important to us and the ones that we think will help our children. Some of the lessons we have finished are I belong to God, Alphabet Fun, My five senses, Number fun, My family, In the country, My Family, Its about time, Colors, Fall is here, My home and neighborhood, At the supermarket, Pets and pals, Children around the World, Life in the city, Winter Fun, My America /The presentation. I have included some of the pictures here so you get an idea how things work.
Art Project for the Lesson Life in the city (making a skyline) |
Creating a city with all the things we have at home. This was the art project for the Lesson Life in the city |
They had a zoo, airport, buildings, church, train lines, roads etc |
Art Project for the lesson Children around the World. It shows how God is watching over the whole earth and the golden rays is a sign of his love that is being poured out to all of us every day. |
Art work from the lesson Pets and Pals |
This is from Winter Fun learning how the ice melts and how water becomes ice. Evaporation, how it snows etc |
Learning about America |
Making Abraham Lincons Cabin |
Cabin almost done |
Learning game from the Lesson In the Country |
Art project from Number Fun |
From the Lesson I belong to God |
Project from I belong to God. Making a picture album for the child to look back from their day of birth up till now |
Love these books |
If you would like to buy this curriculum for your own children you can get it at
Little Saints Preschool Program. You can also find a more detailed description of these program lesson by lesson at
Shower of Roses
Amazing job Alphy! I love reading your work and watching the pictures.Such a beautiful way how you raise your precious two>
ReplyDeleteAmazing job Alphy! I love reading your work and watching the pictures.Such a beautiful way how you raise your precious two>