Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Making our garden look beautiful

We have been trying out several different things in our garden since we bought our house.  I can't believe its going to be 6 years since we bought this house and that reminds me of our 6th wedding anniversary which is coming up this month. 

This year we went all out in buying a bunch of beautiful plants to plant in our garden.  We took these two munchkins and went over to home depot one evening to do flower shopping.  Here they are one sucking on lolly pops which kept them quiet for the first part of the shopping haha..  But they enjoyed being outside. This was back in April when we were just starting to getting some sun and warm weather.  

The beauty of these flowers are mind blowing

My boy helping out in carrying a heavy pot  

We spent a good amount of money that day but most of them were perennials so its a permanent investment I hope

Anna enjoying the flowers


We also bought some mulch. Red mulch my favorite

Some good work out for my man...lol

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