Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Feed my Starving Children

We went to this place called Feed my Starving Children two weeks ago.  It is a Non Profit Christian Organization committed to feeding God's children hungry in body and spirit. We can volunteer for any day and pick a time slot to help them hand pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and we ship these meals to nearly 70 countries around the world.

Putting Stickers on the bag

George and his best friend

This is something we have been wanting to volunteer for a while.  Jesus Youth group in Chicago signs up with them for certain days and time to volunteer to pack meals.  Since it is Lent we thought it would be the perfect time for us to go as a family and volunteer at this community. It was from 8:00 pm  to 9:30 pm. Children under 5 are not allowed to pack food but they can sit and put stickers on the bags which gives the expiry date. So I stayed with Anna and George while Sony helped with packing.

 It was a great experience participating in this program just learning about how many people all around the world are being saved through this organization.

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