Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Some thoughtful words for women by Edith Stein

The words of  Edith Stein (St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross) given below really touched my heart and helped me to look into my own life and make changes:

She says Sin can wrap the gifts that dispose a woman toward intimacy with God and others. Her heightened sensitivity can devolve into touchiness and sentimentality. Her knack for balancing diverse interests and duties can degenerate, Edith says, into a "perverted desire for totality and inclusiveness, a mania to know everything and thereby to skim the surface of everything and to plunge deeply into nothing."

This is woman's maternal gift gone awry, her natural assets twisted into liabilities. When this happens, the generous, selfless mother becomes the controlling matriarch with a martyr complex whom no one can please.  The affectionate wife becomes the resentful nag who cannot forgive her husband for failing to meet her every emotional need. In each case, a woman's longing for God's infinite love has been misdirected to human beings, with disastrous results. 

Edith suggest two remedies for a woman who finds herself falling into this trap.  The first is what she calls "thoroughly objective work," which consists of anything from sweeping the kitchen floor to balancing a budget or researching a term paper.  Such work forces a woman to submit to laws outside herself, helps her escape her obsessive focus on herself and her emotions, and encourages her to develop self control, an important discipline for the spiritual life.

The second remedy is even more crucial: Structuring one's days in a way that opens doors to God's grace.  Fidelity to Christ and to the demands of one's vocation requires "intense spiritual stamina," Edith notes, and that stamina "perishes in the longs run if not refreshed by the eternal wellspring" of grace.  She believes that a woman should tap into that wellspring through frequent sacramental confession, regular reception of Holy Communion. and quiet prayer throughout the day, preferably in the presence of the Eucharist.

Edith says " Genuine spiritual motherhood lies in leading others to freedom, not dependence; in giving, not getting.  But a woman cannot give what she does not first possess.  Only in union with God can she find the strength and selflessness she needs to be a true spiritual mother.  A woman's craving for God's love is not a weakness, Edith says.  It is her greatest strength: "The intrinsic value of woman consists essentially in exceptional receptivity for God's work in the soul."

Hope this helps you too!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Putting a Stop to everything

It is just fun to be with this little girl all day and see the way she works and concentrates.  She loves playing with water.  She loves bath time.  She has to sit in the bucket full of water for at least 10 minutes before she lets me give her a bath.  But it is always so hard for her to come out of bath.  She hates it when I start drying her with a towel. 

Every time I bring her into the bathroom and place her on our sink which is at least 50 years old the first thing she reaches towards is the pipe and she will show me signs and use the few words she knows to bring her the near by items so that she could play in the water.  Normally I am always in a hurry and as much as I would love to be with her and let her play in the water, the screaming from George wanting me to be with him keeps echoing in the house.  It is exactly at this moment that he would want me to read him books, or help him with whatever he is doing, or play with.  Otherwise I might have something on the stove boiling.  There is always something to do as a full time mom.  You never seem to find the time.  But sometimes I think God wants us to leave everything and just spend that moment with our children patiently and lovingly. God wants us to stop and think.  He does not want us to be running around and doing so many errands and become and very  busy and exhausted mom who barely gets time to enjoy her child.  

I spent time with my Anna as she sat on the sink and enjoyed playing with the water.  Her mind was so into it that I could see her little imaginations take off.  It was just amazing to see everything she was doing and her concentration.  I probably spent 15 minutes with her.  I put a stop to everything I was doing.   After the first 5 minutes I almost forgot about my busy day as I was just enjoying every bit of watching her. 

Afterwards I went back to doing my chores and she was content that she got to play in the water for that long.  I think sometimes it is good for us to stop everything and just go with our children when they call us to see the little joys of their little world.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Feed my Starving Children

We went to this place called Feed my Starving Children two weeks ago.  It is a Non Profit Christian Organization committed to feeding God's children hungry in body and spirit. We can volunteer for any day and pick a time slot to help them hand pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and we ship these meals to nearly 70 countries around the world.

Putting Stickers on the bag

George and his best friend

This is something we have been wanting to volunteer for a while.  Jesus Youth group in Chicago signs up with them for certain days and time to volunteer to pack meals.  Since it is Lent we thought it would be the perfect time for us to go as a family and volunteer at this community. It was from 8:00 pm  to 9:30 pm. Children under 5 are not allowed to pack food but they can sit and put stickers on the bags which gives the expiry date. So I stayed with Anna and George while Sony helped with packing.

 It was a great experience participating in this program just learning about how many people all around the world are being saved through this organization.

Food is the Key to a Man's Heart

I have been trying to cook different varieties of food this winter.  I am not an expert in cooking.  In my family my mom and sister were always the ones who did most of the cooking and I never got really involved in it.  My area of expertise was always cleaning.  I loved cleaning and making our house look very nice.  Even today I cannot really function if my house is messy so I am always picking up things and cleaning through out the day.  But cooking was something I was always scared off and never really tried doing it.  So after marriage I had to cook because I did not have a choice. I learned a little bit hear and there but then soon my parents moved in with us which made cooking again easier for me since I had mom at home all the time.  Every winter my parents would go to India and this was my opportunity to learn how to cook.  In the past winters I have cooked and fed my family but this winter I feel much more comfortable and confident in cooking.  I don't get scared like I usually did before. Hopefully it continues!!

The one who enjoys food the most in our house is Sony.  He loves eating and he loves it even more if I make something special.  I truly believe that the title of this post is absolutely true!! LOL

Braised Balsamic Chicken

Chilli Chicken

Baked Parmesan chicken

Butter chicken and Parota
Also this Winter we are trying to practice a good habit of eating together at the dining table instead of eating at different times and at scattered places.  We have been pretty much consistent in doing this for the past few months and I noticed that it really brings a unity among all of us when we sit together around the table eating. Everyone enjoyed it even more when I was able to cook something special for the meal.  Dinner time is usually more fun because Sony is home with us.  But breakfast and lunch I find it little difficult because children find it really hard to eat without the head of the family being present. haha.. I think they have learned that they need to eat at the table even when dad is not present.

It is a joy to see them both sit together and share a meal.  I have to admit that it is a very difficult task just to get them to sit there until they finish the food.  We sometimes read books to make it little easier but even that could get really chaotic.  So I am not forcing them but really encouraging them and it does work but there are those days when they don't want to and I just let them be.  It is all good when you are at least trying to build up a good habit. One step at a time!!..

Don't forget the fastest road to your man's heart :)))