Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Adjusting back to 0 degrees

It was hard, extremely hard to adjust back to Chicago after our 10 day trip to India.  We got back on the coldest day in Chicago when the temperature was negative.  We landed early morning on January 7th and for once I hated being back in Chicago.  All I wanted was just to go  back to India.  Really...I kept telling Sony about moving to India at least for few years. Poor Sony!! He had to deal with  it for almost a week.

It was difficult to handle the jet lag especially with kids.  The only solution was to sleep when they sleep.  So we would go to sleep around 4:30 pm and wake up at 2:00 am.  It was so horrible.  Oh man....I would love to go to India again but I definitely don't want to go through the consequences of returning from India.  Thankfully Sony's school was closed the next day due to the severe cold in Chicago.  Thank God.  We were inside the house for an entire week.  Sony went to work but we stayed home and it was hard.  Our sleep timing did not become normal until after 2 weeks.  It was just hard to wake up every night at 2 and 3 in the morning and not being able to go to sleep until the next day evening.

So this is what me and the kiddies did at 2 in the morning.  My sis in law had given George a set of musical instruments as Christmas gift.  We got this gift right after we came back from India.  Since it was a new toy which he just received he was so excited.  In the night we were awake he would take few instruments, Anna takes a shaker and I take the bells and we sang.  We sang Jingle bells, Your grace is enough, Our God is greater.  It was fun or we made it fun since there was nothing else we could do at that time and it was so cold.  We had to wear so many layers of clothes just to come outside our rooms.  I am sure we felt more cold since we had just come from 90 degrees weather.

We even did some homeschooling during this time.  George was willing to sit and do his work.  He started working on his books and then he looked up and said "mamma, this is not home school, this is night school like Pappa's".  I couldn't stop laughing.  He was mentioning about Sony's night school.  Well, it made complete sense to a 4 year old since he was doing school at night. haha

After 4-5 days of staying inside the house the temperature came back up to the 20s.  We were so desperate to get outside the house.  So we decided to go to the mall.  It was fun.  Just to be outside and see people and eat out.  Kids played, we got a moment to just sit and relax.  One of the reasons why we couldn't go out earlier was because our little Anna was sich.  She had a fever.  It lasted for 3 days and due to that even on Sunday me and Anna stayed home while Sony and George went to Mass and CCD.

Scary, Isn't it? 

 I was so depressed after being home for so many days, one day morning Sony just sent me to 6:15 am mass and it was just beautiful to be outside and to be able to attend mass.  Sony left right after I got back from mass.
Isn't it beautiful with all the Christmas decorations?

I would have never known it was so hard and depressing to just get adjusted to the cold weather again.  I finally started taking the kids out to the library and fort he first two days I would spent 2-3 hours in the library just so that we could be away from the house. Now we are back on track and I cannot even imagine going to India again.