Thursday, December 18, 2014

Our Decorations for this Advent

 The day before the first day of Advent we put out all our decorations.  It was fun watching the little ones follow Sony around the house and helping him with each decoration.  

Advent is my favorite.  I l love every bit of it.  I remember how every year my brother would put up the nativity set and he made his own manger scene by cutting woods, and laying hay around.  I remember looking forward to it every year.  He will cut a tree and bring it home so that myself and my little brother could decorate it.  Now that I have my own children I want them also to make great memories of this beautiful season.  

It was just so beautiful to see the brightness in their eyes when they saw their dad opening up the Christmas decoration boxes.  George was right by Sony’s side helping out with everything since he remembered how it was last year.  For Anna this was the first time she could participate in putting out the decorations.  She was so thrilled.  I could see her little feet scurrying after her brother and dad trying to help out in her own little ways.  I was just watching them and enjoying every bit of it.  I don’t want to forget them in their young ages.  I could watch them for hours and take lots and lots of pictures.  

We bought our Christmas tree when George was just 3 months old.  I still remember decorating it by ourselves.  But with children around it is a totally different feeling.  There is so much excitement.  One day I hope to have all Christian ornaments for our tree.  It is expensive to buy them all at once but I want to collect them and make them every year so that we will have it all one day.  Did you know that we should only turn the lights on during the Christmas Day because that is when the light of the world is born.  So there is no need to light the Christmas tree before Christmas.  Well, I hope I can start this tradition soon but this year with little children it was hard to keep it off when they are eagerly waiting for it to be turned on.  

Christmas village 

Our Nativity Scene

This year we started with the tradition of having a wreath.  As Eastern Catholics we don’t have it as part of our traditions but I just wanted to add it anyway since we all are part of the universal church.  I love the meaning of wreath and to light the candles and pray every day before dinner.  

I love our wreath.  I bought it from Michael's for just $2 while it was on sale.  I bought the candles from Walmart and the candle holder was at Sony's parents home.  I love how the circle represents the eternity of God the father which as no beginning, or end. The evergreen speaks of the hope we have in God, the hope of newness, of renewal, of eternal life.  The candles symbolizes the light of God coming into the world through the birth of his Son.  As we light each candle every week of the Advent season it also helps us to remember that we are getting closer to receiving Jesus into our hearts.

We had a special blessing of our wreath before we lit the candle on the first day of Advent.  The father of the house is supposed to bless the wreath with the official prayers of the church.  Afterwards we sing the song “O Come O Come Emmanuel”  and light the first purple candle.  ADvent Wreath Blessings

Always with his silly face :))

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