Friday, December 19, 2014

I'm in love with the rich traditions of our Catholic Church

There are some things which God reveals to you only at a certain time.  I am just beginning to find out a lot more about the rich traditions of our Catholic Church.  The best part is I still have to learn a lot more about our Catholic Faith.  I feel so bad sometimes that I did not know about these beautiful traditions when I was younger.  Do you know what a Jesse Tree is?  I learned about Jesse tree just a year ago.  This Advent I have my own Jesse Tree which I am so proud of and happy that the Lord gave me the grace to add this tradition into my family with my children.  

The Jesse tree is the family tree of Jesus.  It goes back to the very beginning, to Creation; it
traces His family through the Old Testament, and it ends when He is born on Christmas day.
A Jesse tree is a little like an advent calendar, except that it emphasizes the true meaning
of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. Like any advent countdown, the Jesse tree has one ornament per day. Unlike a calendar, though, the Jesse tree tradition focuses on a Bible story, a character, a devotion each day.  You can see the ornaments I made for my Jesse tree below.  It is all made of felt and I took this idea from the blog Shower of Roses

You can buy a Jesse tree from many Christian stores and family owned businesses.  But I did not want to spend money which I don’t have so I decided to make my own.  I can use this every year with my children and no need to worry about making this every year.  I was not sure whether I would get it done for this Advent but only by God’s special grace I was able to pull it off right before the day Advent began.   I still make the ornaments for each day when I get time.  I just make sure I have enough ornaments for the next few days.  I have learned so many things these past days which I never knew before.  

Each day you read the bible passage with your children, hang the ornament for the day and the children can color a coloring sheet which shows the picture story from the bible.  This helps little children to understand and remember what they learned for the day.  My George was never interested in coloring but since the past few months he has been showing some interest and like to color.  

Every day the  Holy Heroes Advent Adventure has a video to help children understand the ornament for the day.   As each day pass by we learn more and more about the family tree of Jesus and how God had planned it from years ago through choosing the right descendants for his Son to be born. Our children learn that this is no made up story but it has proof and a very strong history behind it.  Now this is too much for George to understand but years pass by and as we make this a tradition every year for Advent the children will get a better understanding of what they believe in. I am so glad and thankful to God that he helped me to prepare these things now so that when I have more children I will not have the time I have right now, so I better make full use of it. :)

Anna also wanted to join in learning about Jesse tree so she got to hang the ornament after George got a turn

And now whatever GEorge gets she demands it too.  So she gets a coloring sheet and the sweetest thing is that she tries her best to color 

As long as she doesn't put that crayon in her mouth haha

Here is my finished Jesse Tree

I do have to share about "O Antiphons" which I hopefully will do tomorrow.  I hope you are enjoying your Advent and preparing yourself and your family to receive Christ the new born King
Putting Yarn in the basket for every good deed you do and make a comfy bed for Jesus

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