Sunday, June 29, 2014

Our Little Singer

This little guy sings all day, plays guitar whenever he gets a chance and drums on everything he sees.  Our house is a very loud one.  His favorite song is "His grace is enough" by the catholic singer Matt Maher.  He of course learned this from his dad.  If anyone asks him to sing a song this song will be his first choice.  The second choice is "Our God is greater"  by Chris Tomlin.  These are all his dads favorite singers and songs.  He learns guitar, drums everything from Sony.  I have so many videos like this but I picked this one because he is standing up on the coffee table just like a performer.  He also has an audience who is Sony who just got back from work and Anna who is waiting for few more months to get her chance to sing.  

Thursday, June 26, 2014

5th Wedding Anniversary Surprises

On June 20th we celebrated our 5th year wedding anniversary.  We both still cannot believe that we have been married for 5 years.  I am not sure whether it is a good thing or bad thing lol.  It was a very memorable anniversary and due to that reason I want to record all of it here so that I can always cherish these lovely memories with my husband and children.  

Pic taken 5 years ago in Rome at the famous Trevi Fountain during our honeymoon.
Sony is not a person who buys gifts for birthdays, anniversary's or any special event like that.  We buy it for others but not for ourselves.  We might go to the city together or eat out but nothing beyond that. I am the opposite.  I love to buy cards and write long letters, or buy some surprises etc. (typical woman) See how God brings two completely different characters together!!  Anyhow for our 5th anniversary I was not planning to do anything except make a cake.  

To my surprise Sony went all out this time.  He took me to the mall and gave me a surprise Manicure and Pedicure.  He had me close my eyes while I walked over to the salon so that I wouldn't know where I was going.  When I found out where I was I resisted for a while but I did not want to make a big fuss in front of the people there. He dropped me there and took both the kids and the diaper bag and went to the kids play area.  How sweet of this man!!  I was very much impressed as I got to sit there and relax for a bit.  This is the first time he is giving me a surprise Manicure and Pedicure in our 5 years of marriage.  It was very very special.  He came back to pick me up with the kids and I expressed my gratitude for this special surprise and also for taking care of the children during that time.  I thought the surprise ended there and I was content.  I did not want anything more than that because I was very pleased by his act of love.  

Sony and George picked that color

Well, I was wrong.  He had other plans.  The next day was our anniversary and he went to work.  (teaching summer school).  Around noon a parcel comes for me. What??? A Parcel for me!!  Who would send me anything?  I know Sony will not send anything because he has never done this before.  But this man surprised me with beautiful flowers..  I don't know what to say about this.  Really words cannot explain my feelings.  This is the first time he sent me flowers.  Yes, we don't give flowers for valentines day or any other days..yeaa  I know =D  So the flowers were extra special because it was the FIRST time.  I was overjoyed seeing this. I quickly took it out and put it in the vase and placed on our dining was beautiful.  

"in good ways and BAD" hahaaa

I know I would think that the party ended there but it didn't.  He came back home after work asking us to get ready.  He took us for dinner outside.  A great place, we have never been there before.  He treated us with great food and after that we went to the greatest celebration of all, Holy Mass.  We thanked our Lord for 5 beautiful years.  We went through smooth as well as rough roads but he was right by our side helping us get through every stage of it.  

All I could say was Thank You.  We cut the cake in the evening.  I had the sign of the Holy Spirit on the cake representing the role of Holy Spirit in our lives right from the beginning of our marriage. I walked the aisle on my wedding day to the World Youth Day 2008 theme song "receive the Power from the Holy Spirit" We wont be here without the third person who is the Trinity itself.  

I am so grateful to have such a great husband.  Thank you for all the great things he did to celebrate our 5th year anniversary and the things he keep doing everyday to make our family a happy place.  I asked him what is the reason why he went all out on this anniversary celebration.  He told me that it is the 5th year of our marriage and it is special that we have completed 5 years.  He also said not to expect anything like this until the 10th year anniversary..haha  My husband....he is amazing.  I am so glad that he does not do these things on a regular basis.  I know I will not appreciate or remember it as much as I did on this day.  I will always remember this day and I will look forward to the 10th one :))

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fun at the Park

We have been enjoying a lot of time at the park with both George and Anna lately.  I love taking them to the park and they love it too but there seems to be a big problem.  George enjoys being at the park but the process of getting ready and going to the park is a huge burden for him.  Isn't that funny?  So I have a 3 year old who does not want to go out and is more than willing to stay  But I still managed to take them both of out for a walk or to the park.

He was very insistent on pushing that stroller all by himself to the park.  

He kept saying, "mamma I am a new big brother"  (he got that from the book that I read to him)

There lays our lit pumpkin

He friend joined him at the park

She has to do everything her brother does

Having way too much fun

Add caption

Its hard to get them to the park but once they get there they don't want to leave :)))  I wish this summer lasted forever!!  I know I will be saying the opposite in August when the heat gets unbearable.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thank God for Motherhood

Today my younger brother asked me why is it that those who blog(especially moms) always write the good things and make everything look like motherhood is amazing??  I couldn't stop laughing when I heard that because I asked the same question and still ask when I read other moms blogs.  I told him I would rather  remember all the great and beautiful moments I had with my children than looking at the negatives of life and be sad.  I don't think any mother would say that motherhood is easy and fun.  It is NOT.  It is a lot of hard work and fully dying of yourself to give joy and love to all these little people God has blessed us with in our lives.  

this pic shows the reality of lit Anna's life lol

I once read that entering marriage means entering motherhood.  We are open to life from the moment we receive the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony.  This new life which comes forth as a result of our marital union is a gift from God and God gives us the grace to endure the hardships we have to go through in raising up these tiny little human beings.  Our job as a mother is to resemble Jesus who gave up His life so that we may have eternal life.  As a mother we are also following our Lord's way in giving ourselves up, starting from the 18 -20 hours of labor pain in bringing forth a child, sacrificing our sleep, our time alone, our hang out time with friends, reading a book, computer time,  watching a movie, taking a 5 minute shower rather than a relaxing 15 minute shower, delaying our bathroom breaks, skipping meals or eating in 2 minutes, controlling our anger and frustrations, and being able to just give, give, GIVE everything that we have to them so that they may see a glimpse of God's Love, so that they will learn to love others and appreciate others. 

My Younger brother 
So let us thank our good Lord for this call to Motherhood.  Aren't we blessed???  God has entrusted the most beautiful of His creation in our hands.  It is no small job.  I would say it is the best honorable position I can ever receive in my life.  I better enjoy it rather than being wimpy and complaining about it. Let us ask our dear Mother Mary to give us the grace to embrace this beautiful gift of Motherhood and love our children with all our hearts and minds.  As we celebrate Pentecost in two days let us also ask the intercession of the Holy Spirit and pray for the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.  As mothers we all know that we really need them. right??  :))