Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Walk and Lenten Journey

Yesterday the weather was just beautiful and for the first time this Spring we all went for a walk.  Anna had so much fun.  This is the first time she is being outside without a car seat.  She enjoyed everything but she couldn't take the sun light hitting her face.  I have never taken her outside for a walk since she was born.

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts I was able to do a few Lenten activities with George this Lent. I had made a Jesus tree for George to go through the life of Jesus up until his resurrection.  We were not able to do this every day since I was not able to make the ornament for each bible story.  We are slowly catching up.  I wish I had more time in my hand so that I could make these ornaments all together.  It takes a lot of time to cut up all the small pieces of felt and to glue it together.  I hope to find some time to finish it all this weekend so that I don't have to stay up so late in the night to make this. 

It was fun filling up the bean basket with George. After doing it for few days he himself started reminding me about putting bean in the basket.  He will tell me how he was such a good boy today and he wants to add more bean to the basket. If we were to take the bean out each time he misbehaved I don't think there will be any bean left in the basket....haha  But I do have to say that he is starting to become a really good big brother and big help to mamma.  He will bring me diaper when I am changing Anna, he is slowly learning how to clean up his toys even though it is very very hard for him lol.  He helps me with unloading the dishwasher, he will tell me when Anna wakes up or if I leave her with him in the bouncer for little bit he will watch her.  The other day she was crying in the car seat and he went and sang her his favorite song "your grace is enough" and she stopped crying.  How sweet!! 

We were not able to follow through the Lenten Calendar I made.  We did it for the first few days and then I couldn't keep up with it.   Hope to make better use of it next year!

As far as my Lenten journey,  I am trying my best to be faithful with everything I gave up this Lent.  I am also trying to read some books and I hope to finish My sisters The saints before Easter .  I started reading this last week and I highly recommend it to all women out there.  

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