Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Letter from an Angel

I think it brings joy to your ears when someone says something good about you.  We long for appreciation and care from others.  As a mother my job all day is to appreciate, encourage, give loud applause, sing lullabies etc so I can get George and Anna to behave and stop both from crying or pulling a tantrum.  At times I wish I had received the same appreciation and encouragement to do my job well but like most of the moms say our job is something that no one sees.

Today something very special happened in my life.  As usual I left for  noon mass with my lit one since George did not want to come with me and stayed back with grandma.  I was bit upset about him not coming but I had no choice and did not want to force him.  As I was driving I thought of how I longed for someone to say something nice about me, of what I do, I just wanted to hear something good from someone.  I was just sad about everything.  You know how devil gets into you and makes you feel like you are good for nothing, you are not doing things right.  Well, it was one of those days.

I get to church and since they were doing some work in the church the mass was in a hall.  Since there was no cry room I went and sat on the floor all the way at the back.  A good old man got up from his seat and brought the chair to me.  I was just too pleased by this man who was willing to carry his chair back to me. Thank God for such good people.  The next thing you know, one of the friends who loves George came and gave me a gift for George.  How nice of these wonderful people?  How can I ever complain right??  haha God was really showing me how much he cares and appreciates.  Well I thought that was the end of the story but of course our God is a mysterious man.

I get back home and was carrying the car seat, when I saw a bag with a note outside my door.  It said "To Alphy, With Love :))"  Hmm...I was surprised.  I get home and open the bag to see what is inside and guess what? I think God really had to send his angel down to bring all this to me.

A lovely note, three packets of chocolates (my favorite) a lip gloss (how sweet of this person) two coloring books and Crayons for George.  Each one of it had a lovely note on it.  I cannot ask for a better day than this.  Whoever brought this to me knows me very well but did not share their name instead asked me to share Jesus with someone else.  I just want to thank God and for this person for bringing such joy into my heart today.  I really needed it.
How did this person know I needed this.  I hope you can see the lovely notes on the chocolate bars.

This letter brought tears to my eyes.  It said" a mother raising a child is a lot like a builder of a great cathedral.  No one sees the builder lay brick upon brick, long days and tireless work they put in.  Just like that, it may seem that no one "sees" the work you put in, But, God sees:))  He sees every bath you give, every diaper you change, every meal you make, song you sing, and every single thing you do for Kids.  You are building great cathedrals, this is your vocation.  So when times get tough just remember you are doing God's will, and reward awaits in Heaven :))"

Ahhh...what a Beautiful message??  I am praying for whoever it is that the Lord may shower his blessings upon her/him.  My heart is still overflowing with joy.  It feels like a dream.

The lip gloss is my favorite. Thank You

Every mother needs to hear these words.  I pray for all you mothers out there that the Lord may give you the grace and strength to raise your children to be great cathedrals.  :))

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