Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy All Saints Day

Today during the morning prayer one thing that touched me from the Divine Office prayers was this: With all the saints we are given the power to grasp the breadth and the length, the height and the depth of Christ’s love, which is beyond all telling.

I thought to myself how many times have I tried to grasp Christ's love.  Most of the time more than grasping His love I tend to fill up my day with complains, anxieties, worries etc that I do not have time to think of Christ's love for me.  When I read this prayer today I felt very ashamed of the many times I blocked myself from receiving His love.  I am created to only experience Christ's love and nothing else.  The Saints were able to understand this mystery and experience God's love through their sufferings and joy.  They happily welcomed suffering into their lives.  

I pray today that I may be able to welcome anything the Lord brings into my life with joy and happiness and to offer my life fully to the Lord.  Help me Lord to grasp the breadth and length and the height and depth of your love through my daily chores.

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