Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Small things in Life

I wish I could blog about every single day of my life.  So much goes on during a day and I feel like I have to write about everything or otherwise I would forget.  Time does not wait for your desires to get fulfilled.  Each day passes by and when you hit bed around 11:30 or 12:00 in the night you hardly have any energy to sit at the computer blogging about your day.  However, today I have decided to do the opposite.  I am not going to bed without writing this blog.  It is right now 12:03 am and I hope to finish this in the next 10 minutes. We'll see how that goes :))  

After longing and desiring for a new camera over a year, yesterday we finally got a brand new Canon.  I was so excited to finally have a camera which will take pictures with good clarity unlike the the old camera we had for a long time and the broke phone camera I use.  I hope to post some good quality pictures on my blog from now on.  Even though so much is there to write since the last time I blogged I am just going to focus on the little things that took place today in our lives.

getting back from the library

My Handsome little Georgee


lost in their world
We started off early morning, went to mass, grabbed a small breakfast and free coffee from McDonalds and hit straight to the library for Story time.  We left the library right after story time.  Once we arrived home I had to bring our new camera outside to take some nice pictures.  I love this camera especially after comparing it to what we have been using these past years.

We had a pretty easy day today.  Kids were behaving, not too many tantrums.  George is really enjoying his homeschool.  In fact he sits for almost 1 hr these days during our school time.  I am amazed at how much he is starting to enjoy it.  Praise God!!  

George & Anna singing along as we begin our family prayer

Padre Pio - pray for us

George is drumming for our song.  

His pretend Kajon

Anna dear just enjoying the things on our prayer table

We went to the park today, George rode his tricycle.  The best of all was the lovely weather today.  I am really enjoying these last few days of summer/ beginning of fall.  Sony was home by 7:45 after his night school.  It is always a joy to see the expression on the kids when they see Sony coming back from work.  

I can never stop enjoying this priceless smile she gives when she sees her dad

We had a special prayer along with our family prayer to our dear Saint Padre Pio whose feast day we celebrate today.  It is always good to look back at the day and ponder upon how we experienced God's love through these many little things.

Can you  believe my little Anna is one year old!!  Sigh!!!  

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