Friday, March 28, 2014

God's best gift, my Sonyji

Today my husband celebrates his 33rd birthday.  I still don't know what I did to deserve a husband like him. I know I prayed so much to get a God-fearing guy as my husband but God just added a lot more qualities to the list and gave me my Sonyji.  I can only thank Jesus today for creating him so that I could have a great man by my side to be called my husband.

He is a great public speaker, very vibrant, goes way beyond his limits to help others, lays down his life for the Church, never complains, hard worker, a great talented musician (plays guitar, drums, piano), History teacher by profession, lover of Christ etc.

WYD Sydney

He has expanded my little world by showing me the great movies like  Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, Star Wars and the list goes on.  I can watch these movies over and over if I had the

I am so thankful to this man for loving me so much especially in my worst moments, being kind, gentle and patient even when I did not deserve it, trying his best to understand me even though it is difficult to understand a woman.=P Thank you for listening to my nonstop chatting, being silent instead of getting angry, for playing with George and Anna and really showing them the love of God the Father, being so patient and kind to them even when they get on your nerves, for helping me with chores at home even when you have a million things to do for work, church, ministries etc.  Thank you for patiently dealing with my silliness and answering the 100 questions I ask on the phone.  You keep calm even after seeing me forgetting to turn the stove or oven off  a thousand times.

The thing that amazes me about you is how quietly you leave the room early in the morning to go to work so that you don't wake us up.  You take extra shifts by teaching night school during the week so that I can stay home and take care of our children.  I am sometimes so astounded how you wake up early morning on weekends to finish up all your extra load of work for school, church, youth ministries etc so that you can spend more time with us when we wake up.

This was the surprise waiting for me one day when I got back from work

I don't know how you do this my Sonyji but I just want to say that none of these things that you do go unnoticed.  I might not say this on a daily basis or often times what comes out of my mouth is complains but deep in my heart I know how much you love us and care for us.  Thank you for sacrificing the many things in your life so that you can bring joy to our little family.

I know you won't be home today to celebrate your birthday because you are going to help out at the retreat. I will miss you but I hope to celebrate your birthday when you come back home.

Happy Birthday my Love!

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