Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Anna 5 months

My little Anna is 5 months old.  She is still a very happy and peaceful baby.  She is more on the chubby side compared to George.  I keep hugging her and squeezing her all day.  She also loves to be in my arms all the time.  I keep her on our dining table very often so that I still have an eye on her from the kitchen while I cook.  I also keep her in the bouncer with me while I am feeding George or folding laundry etc.  She will stay in there for good 15 minutes without crying or getting fussy.  Recently things are starting to change.  I think she is starting to understand that it is much nicer to be in moms arms than being on the table or bouncer. Now she starts getting very annoyed after 5 minutes of being in the bouncer or on the table.

She has not started rolling over yet which is one way a good thing because I don't have to worry much about her falling off from the table or from the bed.  She sleeps with me in the night and I just love to hug her and keep her so close to me.  She can now grab her little rattle and her hand movements are getting better.  She is cooing and making loud sounds. I love tickling her and just giving lots of kisses on her tummy, neck, cheeks etc.  She loves this and sometimes demands this from me.  She laughs the most when hugging her and kissing her.  She wakes up everyday at 8:00 am and starts her loud talking.  Looks like she is going to be talkative than George.

My Sleeping Beauty

I started her on rice cereal last week.  She is enjoying her solids and love the time she spends eating and chewing the spoon.  I also gave her some home made apple sauce and she is loving it.   George was a very picky eater and I still have a hard time feeding him.  I think he takes it after me.  I am hoping that Anna is going to be like her dad in eating and sleeping.

The blue sleeper is George's.  I'm making use of all the old clothes :))

I can kiss those chubby cheeks all day

I am just enjoying this period as much as I can before she starts crawling and running all over the place.

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