Monday, February 19, 2018

My George - 7 years old

George turned 7 years old on October 15th.  Time flies.  They do grow up so fast.  I cant believe he is already 7.  He has always been my baby.  Being my first baby, I have cherished every moment I spent with him.  Yes, he drives me insane most of the times, but yet his charming smile, and the love he pours out on me, makes me want to be with him all the time.  My make my motherhood journey incredibly fun and exciting.  He is in 1st grade this year. Can you believe that???  To me, I feel like he is still in preschool..haha  I am sure all mothers feel this way about their children.  It doesn't matter how old they are, they will always be our babies.  

This kid, he loves helping me.  He will be always around to do small things for me here and there.  Sometimes, certain chores are not his favorite, but if it is to help with cooking, he is always ready. Since Lent began, he has been waking up early morning before I wake up, and he goes and cleans up the living room, school room, unloads the dishwasher (all the plastic bowls and the nonbreakable dishes) and sets up the plates on the kitchen table for breakfast.  After he is done with all this, he will come and wake me up and takes me around the house and shows me all that he did.  Awww....this boy, he sometimes just makes my heart melt.   I don't know how he can do that.  Yes, he wants to fill up the sacrifice bean jar with all these good deeds, but I still don't understand how he can do that everyday for me.  And this makes my life a whole lot easier because now I don't have to clean up the living room or school room.  I can only thank the Lord for the good heart He gave my boy. 

My sunshine..that smile!!!

My handsome little boy

These three can play together forever.  George and Anna are constantly playing.  They are almost three years apart but still they both play like they are the same age haha... One of the charisms of George is that, he can entertain any age group kid.  If it is a baby, he will play with the baby.  If its a preschooler, he will try to entertain them and with his own age group kids, he plays totally different.  It is a gift. 

He loves feast day celebrations and making funny  He loves playing silly games and running around and being crazy.  There are times when I don't like so much energy, but what can I do.  God made him that way and I just have to go with the flow.  He is so loud, that my ears hurt lol

He loves to take care of Mary.  He always says to me how much he loves babies and he loves taking care of them.  

 For his 7th birthday, he had requested for a Batman themed cake.  I somehow managed to make one.  As you can see in the picture, he couldnt contain his joy and excitement seeing the cake lol 

I found a batman backpack on clearance at Target and bought it for him.  He absolutely loved it.  He knows how to have fun.  I sometimes wish I could be like him.  Just so free and happy.

 He has been a part of the homeschooling group Blueknights.  We go once a month to attend Blue Knights.  It is a great time spend with boys learning about saints and doing different activities.

Holding my nephew

He loves coloring and drawing. I still remember when he was around 4 years old, he hated coloring.  He hated sitting down and doing anything.  I used to worry so much whether he would ever be willing to color. A year later, he started coloring, drawing and painting so beautifully.  Since then he always enjoys anything to do with Art.  Sometimes I just give him some paint and ask him to paint anything that comes to his mind.  Few weeks ago, he painted this picture below and he described it as him watering the plants with his dad last summer.  So last summer, since Sony was home during the summer vacation, him and George would wake up early morning and used to go water the plants.  This was a great experience for him.  I was so surprised how even the littlest things you do at home with parents can bring great and cherishing memories for children. 

For him it was always hard to sit still and pray during morning prayer and family rosary time in the evening.  But this year he has overcome that struggle and he sits and says all the prayers with us.  In fact, he wears his rosary around his neck all the time, which he got during his kindergarten CCD class last year.  Every night before he goes to bed, he will remove it and puts it on the shelf.  And every morning, without forgetting, he will put it back on the neck.  He tells me that when the rosary is around his neck, it helps him to be good. I am just so blessed to be his mother.  I had so much difficulty in the early years just disciplining him and helping him understand what is right and wrong.  I am just so proud of him especially when I see how far he has come from being so fidgety and hyper, struggling to sit still and do things quietly.  

I try to do school at least 4 days a week.  George likes school but he lovesssss playing..haha  So it is always hard for me to get him to just sit down and do his work.  He really tries hard.  He loves his school work, but he always gets tired when he has to do school for more than  half an hr.  I do have to give him small breaks in between but other than that he is very good.  He finishes most of his school work and now that he can read, once I teach him the lesson, he can work on his homework by himself.  I still have to keep telling him to focus but he does a pretty good job with a little push. 

We recently enrolled him in a basket ball class.  He has been asking us for over a year to send him to basket ball class. Finally I was able to get him into this class at the park district.  He loves it.  I still remember how he used to hate leaving me and going anywhere.  And here he is, totally loving being on his own and enjoying the time with his friends.  I am just so glad that I am finally seeing some detachment haha

I hope one day George can read this post and know what a blessed boy he was. I wonder what all God  has in store for this little drummer boy of mine.  I can't wait to journey along with his child and see the many beautiful ways in which God uses him.  I pray that he will follow Christ and choose the holy path always.  Love you my Georgy boy.  

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