Wednesday, May 11, 2016

40 weeks, Past due and still waiting

This being the third pregnancy one would assume that the baby would either come early or at least on time.  However, I have very special babies who just love to hang in their in my tummy as long as they can.  Today I am 3 days past my due date and still no signs of labor.  I do have minor contractions and doctor said I am 3 cms dilated and 80% effaced at me last appointment.  I guess that doesn't mean anything since I am still here pregnant lol

Anyways, I was able to capture some last week pregnancy pictures.  On mother's day I really wanted to take some pictures with my divine mother, our Lady.  It was a beautiful day and all the mothers got roses and a special blessing from the priest.  

We are still eagerly waiting  to meet this new person and transition into a 5 member family.  I know everything is going to change and most likely get upside down, our routines, schedules etc. But the joy and peace a new life brings trespasses all other worries.

Both my babies asleep haha

These days I don't get to do a lot of things with them and I see them spend a lot of time together on their own. Big brother is explaining the passion book to his little sister.

Pictures from this morning when my parents came to check upon me.

Hope the baby comes before I blog again!! Pray for me :))

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