Monday, April 13, 2015

Church made of wooden blocks and wooden saints

One day we were just playing with wooden blocks when George had this excellent idea to make a church out of the blocks.  We started working on it.  I had to come up with the initial plan but George did the rest.  Thankfully Anna was sleeping so we did not have to worry about her breaking down the blocks.  

Here is our church under construction

We needed some people to attend church service so guess who came to attend mass?  The Saints!!!  Yes, we had St. Therese, St Cecilia, St. Dominic as the priest giving the sermon and the rest of the gang.  I made these wooden dolls last year as part of my plan to make an alphabet of catholic saints inspired by Shower of Roses.  I have only made 13 saints so far and never got the time to finish the rest. I hope to make more this year.  

We had a small mass service done right there.  We sang songs with the saints, said prayers and ended mass. The church lasted up until Anna woke up and decided to knock it down.  The best part is we can always build it again.  

A trip to the Mall

When you get good weather for few days and then it goes back to 20 and 30 degrees it is not just difficult for children but it takes a toll on adults as well.  We had to go through severe fluctuations in weather which forced us to stay indoor.  So we decided to go and enjoy our time at the mall rather than being stuck at home.  We had a blast.  

They are content with just sitting on it and pretending to be riding. 

Waiting for the train ride

I was doubtful about sending Anna on the train but just took the risk and sent her anyway.  I told George to make sure that she does not get up from her seat.  Well, after the first round I could hear the crying and had to ask the guard to stop the train.  When they stopped what I saw was hilarious.  George was holding on tight to Anna's neck and the rest of her body was off the seat.  LOL  Poor thing.  I was proud of the big brother. He kept his word and did not let her fall off the seat.  haha.  After I took Anna out they went for the rest of the rounds.

Enjoying the ice cream

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Beautiful Days in the Neighborhood

After the long wait,  Chicago got some good climate in the past few weeks.  It did not last very long but we thoroughly enjoyed the few days we got.  Kids were so tired of just being inside all winter, they craved to be outside.  Despite the weather being only in the upper 50s they were thrilled to get out of the house.  They spent plenty of time in the backyard.  We went for walks.  We celebrated feast days.  Finished dentist appointments.  It was fun taking both the kids with me for my dental appointment.  Since it was just a check up they were able to come along.  The people at the dental clinic was so nice they brought coloring sheets and crayons for them to be entertained while we waited.  They also brought some toys for them to play with while they took my ex-rays.  They enjoyed and behaved.  Thank God :))

St Patrick's Day

At the Dentist's

Anna and her expressions

Enjoying some Chick Fil A

Waiting for grandparents to arrive