Friday, November 14, 2014

Using up some energy

One day staying inside the house made all of us tired.  I could see the kids getting frustrated and I was running out of ideas to do with them.   That means I better find something new to do or otherwise things are not going to stay the same much longer.  Then there will be crying and timeouts, and I am going to lose control over myself.  Not good!  It was not too cold outside and the leaves were just starting to fall and why not put this energy to some use.  Let us RAKE some leaves!! 

I don’t usually come up with such good ideas especially in moments like this.  Lord was just merciful J  George always goes out with Sony to work outside.  I have seen how capable he is at this age of doing outdoor cleaning and how hard he works with his dad.  But I think this is the first time he worked with me outside and I was amazed.  He grabbed that big rake and started doing some real good raking.  He raked with me for almost an hour.  Towards the end I asked him whether we should go inside and get some rest.  He wouldn't allow me and he wanted stay until he places all the leaves in the paper bag.  I am just so glad he enjoys doing this stuff.  I gotta give some credit to Sony.  He has trained him very well. 

We collected one full bag of leaves

We also had fun jumping in the leaves.  Leaves were all over Anna.  I took them straight for a bath right after the raking. 

Her Face lol

Last days of Fall

We had some good weather during the end of October.  We managed to get out and enjoy the final visits to the parks close by.  Now a long wait until spring to see these parks again.

I got to take George alone when Anna was sleeping at home.  You get to fully enjoy a child when you spend time alone with them and I so enjoyed playing around with George.  It felt so good to give him all the attention he needed for once without the little one interrupting.

Always love to see that bright smile 


My Anna turned 15 months in November.  I still remember this time last year when she was still a tiny little human fully dependent on the mercy of others, especially me.  She could hardly even roll over at that time.  Today I see this little pumpkin starting to walk around and scoot all over the house.  She is such a lovable sweet little munchkin.  I can just kiss her chubby cute cheeks so many times a day except when her brother seems to be having a problem with that.  She is so attached to me that she needs to be carried in my arms pretty much all day.  

If I put her down with some toys or books she will play with it for a short time and come to the kitchen or room to find me and she will lift herself up holding on to my legs and with both hands raised up at me she will give me this sympathetic “please take me” look making me feel like I did not carry her for a long time but in all reality she was in my arms just 10 minutes ago.   Isn't she smart? 

It took her a long time to figure out how to walk.  She never crawled but how she moves around is really funny.  She will scoot with her butt and reach every corner of the house.  It is the funniest site of all.  But she is starting to walk since the beginning of this month.  I have been waiting all these months to see her walk and I just love and enjoy seeing her wobble for a short distance and trying to hold on to the nearest table or chair.  She still doesn’t have a good balance.

One of her favorites is fire hydrant.  Who would think that a little baby would like a fire hydrant?  She gets so excited when she sees this on the road.  Whenever we went on a walk this summer I made sure to stop at the fire hydrants and she loved it.  She will point at each one of them as we walked. 

The newest update is that she is starting to play with her brother a lot.  She only plays with his trains and trucks.  I actually don’t have many girl toys here.  So she really doesn’t have a choice.  But I think even if I were to get her girl toys she would still prefer George’s since she is at that stage where she adores him and he is her everything.    She wakes up calling his name, throughout the day she calls him more than me or Sony.   And of course she wants everything he wants.  His toys are hers.  She adores his shoes.  I see her several times during the day going to the shoe holder and playing with his shoes.   I cannot stop laughing seeing this adorable sight. 

She insists sitting on his chair and eating, reading the books just like how he does, she will only play with the toys he plays with.  As much as she is enjoying this time of her life, I have to say poor George is having a difficult time.  He loves his sister very much and would die for her and protect her from even the smallest thing she puts in her mouth or falling off from the stairs.  But it is very hard for him to deal with her especially when she goes and messes up his train tracks or the blocks he built.  Poor boy has no idea what is going to happen in few months.  Now she can barely walk and will only get to things slower.  Once she masters her walking skills she is going to be everywhere.  I hope he will just adjust. 

She is full of expressions

I love the fact that Anna is a good eater.  I can put her on the high chair and leave a plate with food, within minutes she will finish her food all by herself and will give her plate back to me meaning she is all done.  I don’t know how thankful I am to God for this since I know how hard it is if you have a child who does not like eating. 

A girl brings so much beauty to life in her own unique ways.  I cannot imagine a life without her.  I thank God for giving me such a beautiful daughter.  I hope that he will help me raise her to be a strong woman of God.