Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Easter Egg Hunt

For the first time we decided to let the kids go on an egg hunt this year on Easter morning. It was a beautiful sunny day but cold.  Yet these two munchkins were ready to put on their coats and go out.  They had no idea what it meant to go on an egg hunt.  Sony had hidden the eggs that morning in our backyard.  So we went along with them so that they know what they were doing.  It only took a few minutes and they were running around looking for eggs.  Anna did not really get the point of why she was collecting the eggs.  So she would put the eggs in her basket and later will take the egg and put it right back outside.  It was hilarious. She only realized later on that there were chocolates hidden inside the eggs.  That made her very very happy.  haha

She decided to also make use of the toys while hunting for eggs

finally found one

YAY more eggs

Finally all done.  Anna still looks lit  I don't blame her

Easter gifts were waiting for them when they came inside.   I had picked up few things for them. 
 George had asked me for this Hot Wheels he saw at Walmart this winter.  But we did not buy it for him since it was not necessary at that time. Since he had mentioned about this toy several times I had thought of getting it for him during Easter.  So I waited and picked it up on Saturday.

Anna loves babies.  She plays with them as if they were real babies.  She can spend a lot of time taking care of them.  All the baby toys she had were either the ones picked up at a Goodwill or used ones that were handed over.  So I decided to buy her a new baby toy. much she loved it as she opened her gift. She carries a baby just like a grown up holds a baby.

Look at her feeding the baby

and then she fed herself lol

Another Good Friday Meditation

Once again this year we were able to continue our Good Friday traditions with our growing family.  We had a small passion lunch with each item reminding us of the various events of the passion of our Lord.  This year we added the resurrection eggs to go along with the lunch.  Sony was able to explain each item along with the resurrection eggs which really got the kids excited.  Anna just loved it.  I am not sure how much she understood but she definitely had fun. This year on Holy Thursday I made the last supper pic with the egg carton inspired by Lucy at Catholic Icing.  I also did the stations of the cross again inspired by Catholic Icing .  I think we will be able to continue using the same one every year.  

We were also trying to watch the live events from Vatican on Good Friday

George getting all excited about the lunch.  What a great way to reflect upon our Lord's passion!!  It is amazing to see how much the children enjoy each of these celebrations and try to understand more and more about their faith each year.  George was able to grasp much more than last year.

My Anna...

Anna loved the resurrection eggs.  She wanted to go over it again and again.  She enjoyed opening the eggs and finding each items inside.  It was altogether a lovely lunch.  We all enjoyed it thoroughly and even though we did this mainly for the kids I have to admit how much more I was able to reflect upon the day's importance as I made each item for this lunch.  I felt like I was being a part of this whole event.

How much my Jesus loved me, so poor and ignorant sinner I am and yet he died for me on the cross. I wish I could really express what I feel in my heart right now.  Help me Lord to  be always faithful to you in everything that I do, to build up your faith in my family, in my children, to apply your teachings in my day to day life and ultimately offer up myself as a living sacrifice.  Thank you Jesus for loving us so unconditionally despite all the conditions we make.